Laser Pigmentation Treatment

Laser Pigmentation Treatment
From 50€ (VAT included)
We offer two different laser pigmentation treatments. Youir aesthetician will decide on the most suitable method.
Laser selectively destroys the target pigment without damaging healthy, normal tissue. This allows rapid clearing of the abnormal pigmentation with minimal collateral damage to surrounding tissue.
What can we treat:
- freckles,
- age spots,
- sun spots,
- hyperpigmentation
- post-inflammatory pigmentation
- any type of skin pigmentation
What to expect after the treatment?
- Darkening of the lesion (will clear gradually over a few days)
- Slight swelling (which is a sign that the laser reached the intended pigment)
- Redness may occur straight after the treatment - should disappear within a 2-3hours
- Slight itching
- The lesions will “flake-off”
The number of treatments will depend on the lesion (3-6 treatments) - every 3-6 weeks.
Minimal side effects and recovery time. Suitable for face, neck, decollete and hands.
A full consultation is required for Laser/E-light/SHR treatment - patch test required.
Treatment packages and spot treatment available.
- Client must stay out of the sun and avoid tanning beds, self-tanning, tanning drops, or tinting moisturisers for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the treatment (more if required for the skin to return to its natural colour)
- Do not apply perfumes, deodorants, make-up, aromatherapy oils or any perfumed products to the are to be treated for 24hrs prior to the treatment
- Do not use Retin A, Retinol, high content vitamin A cosmeceuticals (Environ), photosensitive medications, steroids 2 weeks before and after the treatment
Photosensitising substances can be anti-histamines, anti-depressants, steroids including asthma inhalers, iron tablets, essential oils applied topically, herbal teas (St. John's wort, calendula, horsetail, pansy, slimming teas, psoralens in herbs).
- Do not take vitamin A 7-10 days prior to the treatment
- Please make your therapist aware of any medication or herbal creams, oils and supplements you are using the day of your consultation and if any changes, the day of your treatment.
- Avoid any procedure that may irrited the treatment area, do not wax, tweeze, pluck within minimum 2 weeks before commencing treatments.
- Hair removal cream can be used 2 weeks before the treatment.
- Shave the area to be treated within 24hrs before the treatment.
- Do not wet the area for 3-5 days - use alcohol free disinfectant if needed (Octanisept)
- Use soothing gels (Bepanthen) twice per day in the area or aloe vera
- Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks and always wear a high factor sun protection cream – SPF 50 – after the treatment
- Do not use fake tan, sunbeds, tanning drops, gradual tanners until the treated area is completely healed – IMPORTANT: Before the next treatment is carried out fake tan should not be applied for a minimum of 10 days prior to the treatment, or longer is needed
- Keep the area free from deodorants, make up, aromatherapy oils or perfumed products
- Avoid hot baths, showers, heat treatments (sauna, steam rooms, heavily chlorinated swimming pools and hot tubes) until fully healed
- Avoid intense exercise for 3-5 days
- Do not put Ice directly onto the skin’s surface as a freezer burn may occur
- Wear loose clothing to avoid friction (including underwear) on the treated areas
- Contact the clinic if excessive blistering, crusting or swelling in the treatment are is experienced
- Keep the body cool, sip cold drinks, do not sit in front of a fireplace or use excessive heating in the car
- Avoid stimulants, alcohol, spicy foods, cigarettes, caffeine
- Avoid scrubs, AHA’s, BHA’s, retinol, etc for 72hrs after the treatment or until healed
- Botox or fillers treatment can be carried minimum 7 days after the treatment
- Other cosmetic procedures after area fully healed – always inform your therapist of previous treatments
- Do not pick at the treated area
- Epilepsy
- Hepatitis, HIV and AIDS
- Diabetes
- Haemophilia
- Anti-coagulant medication (Aspirin, Walfarine, Phenediene, Hapazin)
- Endocrine disorder – contact the clinic
- Light sensitivity within 500nm-900nm
- Keloid scaring
- Skin cancer
- Pregnancy or breast feeding
- Pigmentation – vitiligo, melasma moles, pigmentated naevi moles
- Hairy moles
- Cardiovascular conditions – thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, hypotension, heart conditions
- Connective tissue disorder – scleroderma
- Sunburn
- Suntanned skin
- Fake tan – spray tan, tanning drops, cream/lotions/oils tans
- Pace maker
- Defibrillators
- Metal pins/plates in the treatment area
- Fever
- Contagious and infectious diseases
- Viral infections – Herpes simplex (cold sore), Herpes Zoster (shingles), warts, verrucae
- Bacterial infections – boils, folliculitis
- Fungal – tinea pedis, tinea corporis
- Parasitic – lice, scabies, fleas
- Skin diseases
- Loss of skin sensitivity
- Cust, bruises, abrasions in the treatment area
- Undiagnosed lumps and bumps
- Allergies to products or material used during the treatment
- Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Gold injection (for arthritis)
- Fillers, Botox within 2 weeks prior to the laser/E-light/SHR treatment
- Under the age of 16
- Emotional disturbance
The treatment can be carried 1-4 weeks after you finish taking/using the below medication/skincare products – Please contact the clinic for details:
- Photosensitive medication – for example steroids
- Herbal supplements that cause photosensitivity (St John’s Wort, essential oils, iron tablets)
- Beta Carotene, vitamin C may sensitise the skin
- AHA’s, BHA’s, retinoids, retinol use
- Anti-histamine medication
- Herbal supplements that cause photosensitivity (essential oils, iron tablets)
- AHA’s, BHA’s, retinol use
- Anti-depressants (example: Prozac)
- Antibiotic medication
Will have to be covered during the treatment (unless it’s a removal treatment)
- Tattoos
- Permanent and semi-permanent make-up
- Medical Oedema
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Acute Rheumatism
- Bell’s palsy
- Inflamed/trapped pinched nerve
- Any condition already being treated by the GP or Dermatologist